الخميس، 23 نوفمبر 2017

One of the best references for MBA

مرجع من افضل المراجع في إدارة الأعمال MBA

Exploring Business


Publisher Information viii
About the Author ix
Acknowledgments x
Dedication xii
Preface xiii

Chapter 1: The Foundations of Business
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Getting Down to Business 3
1.3 What Is Economics? 8
1.4 Perfect Competition and Supply and Demand 13
1.5 Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Monopoly 19
1.6 Measuring the Health of the Economy 22
1.7 Government’s Role in Managing the Economy 29
1.8 Cases and Problems 33

Chapter 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
2.1 Misgoverning Corporations: An Overview 38
2.2 The Individual Approach to Ethics 43
2.3 Identifying Ethical Issues 51
2.4 The Organizational Approach to Ethics 57
2.5 Corporate Social Responsibility 61
2.6 Environmentalism 72
2.7 Stages of Corporate Responsibility 78
2.8 Cases and Problems 83

Chapter 3: Business in a Global Environment
3.1 The Globalization of Business 89
3.2 Opportunities in International Business 97
3.3 The Global Business Environment 106
3.4 Trade Controls 115
3.5 Reducing International Trade Barriers 119
3.6 Preparing for a Career in International Business 125
3.7 Cases and Problems 127

Chapter 4: Selecting a Form of Business Ownership
4.1 Factors to Consider 132
4.2 Sole Proprietorship 134
4.3 Partnership 138
4.4 Corporation 143
4.5 Other Types of Business Ownership 148
4.6 Mergers and Acquisitions 154
4.7 Cases and Problems 158

Chapter 5: The Challenges of Starting a Business
5.1 What Is an Entrepreneur? 164
5.2 The Importance of Small Business to the U.S. Economy 172
5.3 What Industries Are Small Businesses In? 177
5.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership 182
5.5 Starting a Business 186
5.6 The Business Plan 193
5.7 How to Succeed in Managing a Business 199
5.8 Cases and Problems 205

Chapter 6: Managing for Business Success
6.1 What Do Managers Do? 211
6.2 Planning 213
6.3 Organizing 221
6.4 Directing 233
6.5 Controlling 237
6.6 Managerial Skills 240
6.7 Cases and Problems 246

Chapter 7: Recruiting, Motivating, and Keeping Quality Employees
7.1 Human Resource Management 255
7.2 Developing Employees 263
7.3 Motivating Employees 268
7.4 What Makes a Great Place to Work? 275
7.5 Performance Appraisal 284
7.6 Labor Unions 292
7.7 Cases and Problems 299

Chapter 8: Teamwork and Communications
8.1 The Team and the Organization 304
8.2 Why Teamwork Works 311
8.3 The Team and Its Members 316
8.4 The Business of Communication 326
8.5 Communication Channels 333
8.6 Forms of Communication 343
8.7 Cases and Problems 350

Chapter 9: Marketing: Providing Value to Customers
9.1 What Is Marketing? 356
9.2 The Marketing Mix 363
9.3 Pricing a Product 370
9.4 Placing a Product 374
9.5 Promoting a Product 385
9.6 Interacting with Your Customers 390
9.7 The Product Life Cycle 398
9.8 The Marketing Environment 402
9.9 Careers in Marketing 412
9.10 Cases and Problems 414

Chapter 10: Product Design and Development
10.1 What Is a Product? 419
10.2 Where Do Product Ideas Come From? 423
10.3 Identifying Business Opportunities 427
10.4 Understand Your Industry 430
10.5 Forecasting Demand 433
10.6 Breakeven Analysis 437
10.7 Product Development 440
10.8 Protecting Your Idea 446
10.9 Cases and Problems 448

Chapter 11: Operations Management in Manufacturing and Service Industries
11.1 Operations Management in Manufacturing 453
11.2 Facility Layouts 459
11.3 Managing the Production Process in a Manufacturing Company 463
11.4 Graphical Tools: PERT and Gantt Charts 467
11.5 The Technology of Goods Production 471
11.6 Operations Management for Service Providers 473
11.7 Producing for Quality 481
11.8 Cases and Problems 486

Chapter 12: The Role of Accounting in Business
12.1 The Role of Accounting 491
12.2 Understanding Financial Statements 497
12.3 Accrual Accounting 510
12.4 Financial Statement Analysis 520
12.5 The Profession: Ethics and Opportunities 531
12.6 Cases and Problems 538

Chapter 13: Managing Financial Resources
13.1 The Functions of Money 544
13.2 Financial Institutions 549
13.3 The Federal Reserve System 557
13.4 The Role of the Financial Manager 563
13.5 Understanding Securities Markets 571
13.6 Financing the Going Concern 578
13.7 Careers in Finance 582
13.8 Cases and Problems 585

Chapter 14: Personal Finances
14.1 Financial Planning 603
14.2 Time Is Money 615
14.3 The Financial Planning Process 621
14.4 A House Is Not a Piggy Bank: A Few Lessons from the Subprime Crisis 633
14.5 Cases and Problems 642

Chapter 15: Managing Information and Technology
15.1 Data versus Information 644
15.2 Managing Data 650
15.3 Types of Information Systems 654
15.4 Computer Networks and Cloud Computing 661
15.5 Data Communications Networks 667
15.6 Security Issues in Electronic Communication 674
15.7 Careers in Information Management 681
15.8 Cases and Problems 683

Chapter 16: The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
16.1 Law and the Legal System 688
16.2 Criminal versus Civil Law 692
16.3 Negligence Torts 699
16.4 Product Liability 706
16.5 Some Principles of Public Law 720
16.6 Cases and Problems 736

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