الأربعاء، 13 مارس 2024

لقاءات رمضانية عن إدارة المشروعات

 لقاءات رمضانية عن إدارة المشروعات 

 الجزء الأول: مؤهلات ومهارات ومسؤوليات مهندس التخطيط


الجزء الثاني: تنزيل البريمافيرا وإضافة مشروع وWBS ومدد الأنشطة وتسلسلها ومراجعة المسار الحرج وتجهيز تقرير البرنامج الزمني Narrative report


الجزء الثالث: كيف تعد السيرة الذاتيه ومواقع التوظيف- مواقع الهجرة-Interview Question


الجزء الرابع: EPS - Log checks - Resource loading - CP - Weightage system - استكمال تجهيز Narrative report


الجزء الخامس: الموارد ونسب البريمافيرا ولوحات التحكم Dashboards


الجزء السادس: تحميل الموارد وتحديث البرنامج الزمني


الجزء السابع: Activity ID-Out of sequence-Float Path (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDyTTGdC7bo)

الجزء الثامن: تحديث البرنامج ونسب الأنشطة ومطالبات التمديد وتحليل التأخير (https://youtube.com/live/q0XO9E4hkQo)

الاثنين، 4 ديسمبر 2023

Extension of Time Claims – Preparation and Review

 This article is going to argue the following:

Claim Essential Elements - Contractual Procedure - Entitlement

Claim Essential 3 Elements:

1- Cause (Delay Events)

2- Effect (Impact - Quantum)

3- Causal link (Factual & Legal)

First Element:- Delay Events Classification

- Contractor Risk Event (CRE): No Extension of Time Entitlement, Inexcusable

- Extension of Time Events - Excusable:

  • Employer Risk Event (ERE), Compensable
  • Concurrent, not compensable unless ERE exceeds CRE or damages can be segregated
  • Neutral Event, usually not compensable

Delay Related Measures:

Second Element:- Effect (Impact) Quantification

- Delay Analysis Approaches:

  • Prospective Delay Analysis (Time impact analysis/Modeled Additive): Fragnet modeling and insertion to a selected unimpacted programme/time-schedule either a baseline or an appropriate update where validation protocol and/or enhancements can be applied whenever required. It’s suited primarily for the use in identifying and quantifying potential delays rather than actual delays.
  • Forensic Retrospective Delay Analysis (Observational Planned vs Updates/As-Built ‘or’ Modeled Additive-or-Subtractive): A technical field of studying and investigating the schedule calculation using different methods (usually requires many subjective decisions by professionals) to measure and quantify delay focusing on causation to resolve EOT disputes.

Determination and Quantification of Excusable and Compensable Delay. An additive-modeled schedule by itself does not account for concurrent delays, pacing, acceleration and compensability. However, it is possible to analyze for approximate concurrency by comparing two additive-modeled schedules (one by inserting all owner-caused and force majeure-caused impact events into the baseline & another one by inserting all contractor-caused impact events into the baseline). It can be Global Insertion (total impact) or Stepped Insertion (in chronological order).

Baseline/not-started-activities Enhancements: Each activity to be 0.5% to 5% of contract value - Separate as per responsible party - Add activities to enhance the level of detail - Divide activities based on progress records.

Actual/in-progress-activities Enhancements: Tabulate all sources of data - Show discrete activities for delay events and influences - Subdivide vague or general activities.

Investigations: If update is the primary source, check: (Actual dates vs data date - Using the most reliable source/ interviews if possible - Changes in IDs & scope) - Accuracy of dates of significant activities to be 1 working day, and other activities to be 5 days - Consistency of dates along the updates - Change in longest path/ controlling activities.

Note: No forensic schedule analysis method is exact. The level of accuracy of the answers produced by each method is a function of the quality of the data used therein, the accuracy of the assumptions, and the analyst subjective judgments.

SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol added 11.7 Other methods, which may be reasonably deployed in particular circumstances …, include: … time chainage analysis, line of balance analysis, resource curve analysis, and earned value analysis.

11.8 In order to avoid or at least minimise disputes over methodology, it is recommended that the parties try to agree an appropriate method of delay analysis ...

Overall, prospective analysis is helpful for the parties to move with lights on about the potential effect of the delay and the extension of time entitlement. On contrary, it can never be accurate due to blindness about what will be the actual effects and damages. Therefore, logic retrospective analysis is then helpful to move the assessment from foresight to hindsight.

Third Element:- Causation (Casual link)

• Factual (Cause-in-fact): But-for-test/ But for the action, the result would not have happened.

• Proximate/Legal: Contractual risk allocation/ Legal liability and direct contribution.

Contractual Entitlement

• Typically, construction contracts contain provisions entitling the contractor to an extension of time on the occurrence of a particular event provided the progress of the works or time for completion is delayed as a consequence.

Contractual Compliance

• Generally, within an extension of time clause, the contractor will be obligated to submit notice(s) and detailed particulars within a specified time frame.

Note: Entitlement is a prerequisite to compliance & delay analysis.

EOT Claim Content (Index sample):

For more: https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/magedkom-6892393964801024043/

My personal account: https://twitter.com/magedkom

الثلاثاء، 5 سبتمبر 2023

العلاقة بين نسبة إنجاز المشروع ونسب انتهاء الأنشطة وكيف يتم تحميل الموارد المناسب

 Project Progress% vs Activity % Complete

In order to get the overall percentage of a project, this needs to roll up the activities’ percentage complete. Therefore, we need first to know how to calculate the types of Activity % complete using one of the following rules of credit wherever appropriate:

1-      Quantity or Units Completed​ (Fit for Construction activities)

2-      Incremental Milestone​ (Fit for Engineering and procurement)

3-      Subjective Judgment (Not preferred unless no other option)

4-      Weighted or Equivalent Units Completed​

5-      Resource Expenditure (Level of Effort)​

Subsequently, we apply this on Primavera P6 using one of the following types of Activity % complete:

1-      Duration% (Default, automatically reflecting in EV and Remaining Duration)

2-      Physical% (Reflecting in EV, but Remaining duration should be manually defined)

3-      Units% (For resource-driven schedules, Resource Expenditure or Level of Effort)

To aggregate the overall percentage, the relative weight of each activity should be defined. There are different approaches to do so as follows:

1-      Activity Duration (duration not always reflect the effort required)

2-      Activity Cost (depending on maturity level if they link payments with progress or not)

3-      Activity Manhours/Resources (preferred in construction as it reflects the relative effort)

4-      No. of activities (can be helpful for similar types of submissions with similar effort required to prepare each of them)

5-      Expert Judgement (Not preferred unless no other option)

6-      Composite approach (can be helpful for all aggregating all phases such as engineering, procurement and construction with usage for the suitable approach in each of them)

Example of a composite approach:

The weights can be loaded using one of the resource types of P6 which are:

1-      Labor resource: In this case the units of weights will affect the total of labor units.

2-      Non-labor (Equipment) resource: DITTO but for machinery. However, some practitioners use it in case of not loading equipment on the schedule.

3-      Material resource: I prefer it because normally we don’t need to know total of materials because they are not in numbers, but in different units.

Accordingly, Primavera calculates the overall percent complete based on earned valued which is called performance percentage in P6 vs the planned percentage which is called schedule% in P6. This doesn’t work unless the programme is cost loaded. Therefore, we sometimes multiply these weights% by $1 million to convert them and load as cost. Furthermore, we should be aware of the earned value calculation (Earned value = Percent complete * Budget cost):

Where BCWP is the Earned Value and BCWS is the Planned Value. Likewise, the same can be calculated in percentages as follows:

1-      Performance% = Total earned value / Total budget cost

2-      Schedule% = Total planned value / Total budget cost

Finally, the schedule variance% can be calculated as well (SV% = Performance% - Schedule%) to determine the status of the schedule whether ahead or behind schedule.

الأحد، 19 مارس 2023

Project Performance Measurement and Rules of Credit

Performance Measurement and Weightage Systems

قياس الأداء بالمشاريع وتوزيع النسب على البرنامج الزمني
يوم الثلاثاء 14 مارس 2023
الثامنة مساء توقيت القاهرة
التاسعة مساء توقيت مكة المكرمة
1. Master and High Level Programmes
2. WBS Decomposition and Consistency
3. Consuming Time vs Cost vs Effort
4. Programme Weightage and Rules of Credit
5. Primavera Resource Loading
6. Appropriateness for control and forecasting
7. Narrative Report - Programme/Schedule Basis
8. Programme Updating and EVM

الاثنين، 6 مارس 2023

Decennial Anniversary (Prof.Planner | 10 Years) on 10-Mar-23

 Celebrating 10 Years and Announcing the Upcoming Events

الإعلان عن خطة العمل المرحلة القادمة ومناقشة المزيد من فنيات وتحديات التخطيط وإدارة المشروعات المعاصرة
- 10 Years Activities
- Upcoming Events
- Propose and Advise

10 سنوات من العمل والأثر...
تليجرام: https://t.me/profplanner